Does Vaping Nicotine Suppress Your Appetite?

Why Vaping Suppresses Appetite

Vaping suppresses appetite due to nicotine in vapor binding to your brain receptors causing you to feel fuller. Similarly, vaping has properties that restrain your appetite on account of flavored vapor can stimulate as well as divert your taste buds.  For the moment, the physical actions of vaping decrease appetite by keeping your hands and mouth busy.

Let’s examine these reasons more closely:

1. Nicotine in e cigs suppresses appetite

It is perhaps no wonder that vaping has nicotine, but do you know that this is also a rather effective appetite suppressant?

Regardless if you are smoking, vaping, or chewing gum or lozenges, any amount of nicotine you consume could suppress your appetite. Why? Research now indicates nicotine causes this by creating connections with α3β4 receptors in your brain which usually signal satiety.

With nicotine’s appetite suppressing properties, it’s no real surprise that former smokers frequently eat without control when they stop smoking – or vaping. Without nicotine to ward off hunger pangs, that desire to eat could grow unbearable.

2. Vaping flavor delivers relief from food cravings

Just as nicotine can suppress your eating urges, the taste of vaping could in addition help in curbing your appetite by appeasing your desire for flavor. And this is especially helpful if you have just quit smoking.

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