Celine Dion's Weight Loss: Genetics or Environment?

Explain Celine Dion's Weight Loss

DNA double helix.

After losing her husband to cancer in 2016, Celine Dion has been gradually losing weight and some fans are concerned.  Frankly, the Canadian singer has never really been slim, so cause for worry is understandable.

Hello Magazine tells the public that after the pop star canceled her Las Vegas residency in 2021 and then her North American touring dates saw postponement in early 2022, Celine shared a touching video message that shows her quite healthy to counteract rumors of experiencing bad health. She conveyed that she wished everyone today was "staying safe in these difficult times," in reference to the notorious coronavirus. Moreover, she told the public her regret for being incapable of carrying out the 2022 performance and her desire that her fans do not despair since she and her team members "feel really good about doing the shows in 2023." 

From a new regimen of exercise to rumors regarding her current diet to Celine's genuine theories that explain why she's thinner, here is the gospel's truth behind Celine Dion's weight loss.

Celine Dion's Weight Loss: Genetics or Environment?

The pop star's weight loss might be occurring because of genetics.

The weight loss of Celine Dion has been inspiring conversations for a number of years. However, it was not till she started to lose additional pounds in later years that her current physique started to make headlines once again. According to another source, The Guardian, Celine attributes her thin body partly to genetics, elaborating, "I have been thin all my life. Nobody in my family is overweight."

According to Harvard, although genetics is certainly a factor in weight with genes amounting to only 25% of the inclination to become overweight, some individuals might be genetically influenced by a higher percentage like 70% to 80%. For example, you have a greater chance to being obese, such as up to 80%, if mom and dad are obese. So, perhaps Celine is right with her thin-body theory; she just might have inherited the thin gene from her parents.

Celine had to counter rumors regarding her weight loss. It's not unusual for people to wonder, guess, and then spread unsupported rumors that a certain star has some sort of an eating disorder; Celine Dion has not been spared this kind of awfulness. According to one of The Guardian's articles, when the rumors claiming she was anorexic came up, Celine grew annoyed and flatly denied she was coping with an eating disorder. She countered: "I'm not anorexic." In reality, she appears to truly love food.

According to Celine's tour driver for previous tours through The Smoking Gun, the pop star needed potato chips, diet Coke, bottled water, and fruit inside her dressing room. In addition, Celine has been photographed consuming hot dogs. Moreover, according to the Hollywood Reporter in a 2017 interview, the pop star does not even indulge in smoothies for breakfast. When questioned about her usual breakfast, she answered: "I have to have my coffee every morning--regular and a croissant."

Celine elaborated her theory for the reason rumors that she's dealing with an eating disorder won't stop circulating, saying, "It pisses people off that I am thin and I don't make any effort."

The pop star attributes her current weight to stressful tendencies and her astrological sign.

Celine might grow irritated when people automatically assume she does not eat on account of her adamancy that her slim physique is genetic. But this is not the only trait she's crediting for her present size. She communicated to Rachael Ray in the 2002s, "They think I'm starving myself, that I don't eat, that I exercise all the time. It's not true."  She continued to explain that her siblings and father are all thin, too. Celine attributed her natural ability for burning calories to her astrological sign. "I'm Aries, and I'm a very nervous person; I'm very energetic. You lose a lot of calories."

The pop star's energy was quite observable throughout the interview, for she was continuously turning around and singing randomly. Although astrology is not a perfect science, the fact Celine showed plenty of energy and claimed to be a nervous person can contribute largely to her slim figure. According to a 2019 study published in Cell Metabolism, research now indicates that there exists a connection between higher metabolism and anxiety. 

She claims that poor health plays no role in her current weight loss. According to ABC News, Celine talked about her weight loss back in 2019, stating, "It's true that I'm a little thinner. Nothing's wrong."

With an interview with Rolling Stone, because of "severe and persistent muscle spasms," Celine was forced to cancel part of her tour in North America that was planned to start in March 2022.

What has Celine been doing recently?

She has adopted ballet.

According to a 2019 People article, Celine's weight loss after her husband's demise might be because she has adopted ballet since then. Besides the responsibilities as a pop star and single mother, Celine has started practicing ballet during her free time. 

She even explained, "Dancing has been in my DNA all of my life." But, the Canadian singer became 53 in 2021. Moreover, she described ballet as "so hard!" In spite of this, she was routinely practicing ballet 4X weekly in 2019. Celine informed People, "People say, 'She's a lot thinner but I'm working hard. I like to move and weight loss comes with it."

She doesn't care whether people approve or disapprove her current weight.

Celine has traveled a long inner journey since her husband's demise. She not only has adopted ballet and triumphed as a single mom but she also has taken up two new roles as a fashion icon as well as a spokesperson for L'Oreal Paris. She wants to motivate others to be confident, elaborating, "You cannot limit yourself. My life started over at 50. I feel happy, I feel beautiful. I thought, 'I must have done something right for this to be happening.'"

She shot back to critical remarks on her weight and choices in a bolder style over the years in The Sun 2019 article, saying, "If I like it, I don't want to talk about it. Don't bother. Don't take a picture," adding, "If you like it, I'll be there. If you don't, leave me alone." In conclusion: Celine doesn't care what anyone thinks about her figure or her daring style choices.

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