Does Apple Cider Vinegar Suppress Appetite?

So, Can Apple Cider Vinegar Really Suppress Appetite?

Although it's very easy these days to find all sorts of products that may help with weight loss, researchers state that the majority of diets fail and that losing weight and keeping it off usually requires continuous effort and serious devotion in the long run. So, it's no surprise that supplements such as the apple cider vinegar (ACV), which many dieters turn to in account of its weight loss reputation, abound.

But does drinking such a drink (ACV) on a regular basis truly promote weight loss? In this post, experts dig to find definite answers to the debate raging around the apple cider vinegar weight loss topic.

ACV doesn't really cause weight loss or appetite suppression

Scott Kahan, MD., director of National Center for Weight and Wellness, informs SELF, "There are many mostly unfounded claims about apple cider vinegar."

He resumes, "Like with most supplements, people make a lot of claims based on absent or extremely poor data. Virtually no [scientific literature] comes up for this, and what does it usually tiny, not well-done studies in obscure journals." In account of that, he states they are "basically meaningless" in supporting such claims of apple cider vinegar's weight loss and appetite suppressing benefits.

One study which demonstrates that study participants who did lose weight after a schedule of consuming 2 tablespoons of ACV daily, were in fact also taking in 250 calories less, undermining the whole purpose!

Another expert concurs: "Apple cider vinegar doesn't have any physiological properties that speed up your metabolism or melt fat," Abby Langer, R.D., informs SELF.

But does apple vinegar cider suppress appetite?

Although there is some research suggesting that the acetic acid found in ACV might repress hunger cravings, there is so far a massive absence of hard proof that ACV is truly effective in suppressing one's appetite.

But probably more significant than the fact itself that ACV has failed to demonstrate its ability to suppress hunger is the other fact that reducing calories and thus eating less are not exactly successful strategies for losing weight and are most likely to cause you to feel hungry. This can only lead one to overeat later on, after caving into your hunger cravings.

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