Does CBD Suppress Appetite At All?

 Can CBD Really Suppress Appetite?

Studies now suggest that CBD can in fact go the other extreme direction and, instead of suppressing appetite, help increase it by decreasing symptoms of an aching stomach, instead of directly causing feelings of hunger.

CBD's ability to cause appetite might occur from its clear influence over serotonin receptors. 5-HT receptors actually play a vital role in your appetite as well as digestion, and other studies indicate CBD could assist in boosting cravings by reducing symptoms of a troubled stomach, instead of impacting feelings of hunger more directly.

Moreover, when activated, a hormone is released which causes you to get hungry. Consequently, as you consume more CBD, the more cannabinoids will enter your body and thus impact the ECS system. In addition to greater appetite, you'll digest food quicker, which in turn makes you crave more food than usual.

This rings true for I recall my brother in his younger teenage years relating how his weed-smoking had affected his appetite enormously and consequently ate very well. Obviously more studies are needed to provide definite information on this important topic.

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