Crizotinib MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Crizotinib FAQ: Is It Right for You?

Crizonix Crizotinib 250 MG

What is Crizotinib?

It's a drug used to treat cancer such as lung cancer.

What's Crizotinib (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by blocking cell signaling via tyrosine kinases ALK.

Crizotinib Dosage

Recommended dose is 250 mg twice daily.

Cost / Price of Crizotinib

4 years' worth of treatment cost a total of $89,740.

Crizotinib Generic

It's the generic name for Xalkori.

Crizotinib Side Effects

Side effects may include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • reduced appetite
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • odd liver function tests
  • swelling in your hands, feet, or eyes
  • numbness or tingling in hands or feet
  • muscle weakness
  • trouble walking
  • cold symptoms
  • stomach pain
  • mouth sores
  • heartburn
  • headache

Crizotinib Survival Rate

The survival rate at 48 months was 51%.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Nerlynx MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

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