Keto Weight Loss: 10 Major Roadblocks & 10 Fixes

Keto Weight Loss Problems?

keto diet

The keto weight loss is a sort of diet which largely limits carbo intake. Normally, your body does the heavy lifting of breaking down carbohydrates into sugar glucose, of which then is used for energy. But if there happens to be a lack of carbs in your body, it shifts into a phase known as ketosis.

This is the ideal state, for your body suddenly grows quite efficient at burning excess fat and utilizing it rather than glucose for energy. This fat burning approach has made the keto diet popular for everyone wanting to lose weight.

However, some individuals might learn that they do not lose any weight while on the ketogenic diet. In the majority of the cases, this can result on account of they not going into ketosis.

There are other less clear reasons why anyone might not experience weight loss when following this diet. In this blog post, I'll highlight the various possibilities and offer practical fixes to help you reach your weight loss objective.

Keto Weight Loss: 10 Major Roadblocks & 10 Fixes

1.  Failing to achieve ketosis

Typically. when anyone is failing to lose weight while on the ketogenic diet, it's due to not achieving ketosis.

The most common cause that some people do not go into the state of ketosis is forgetting to reduce on the amount of carbs. According to an article on the keto diet, carbohydrates should not exceed 10% of an individual's calorie consumption.

More specifically, many keto diets require you to limit between 20 and 50 grams of carbohydrates daily.

At times, you might feel as if you have already hugely cut down on your carb intake. But, in reality, you might yet be consuming enough carbs for your body to make energy from glucose, which in turn will hinder the body from effectively burning fat. 

Anyone who isn't losing weight while on the ketogenic diet might benefit from buying a home testing kit. Such kits provide test strips which check for the existence of ketones in your urine. A positive outcome is a good indication that your body is now in ketosis.

Another option: use a little machine known as a ketone breath analyzer which locates ketones in your breath.

Home testing could be a great way for anyone to make sure that they in fact are achieving ketosis. You can utilize this critical information to adjust your diet to help you reach that weight loss goal.

2.  Consuming too much protein

Several low carb diets permit a modest amount of protein. Some individuals assume that a low carb and high protein diet is a ketogenic diet. But this kind of diet is not likely to help result in ketosis since the body could break down extra proteins into amino acids and then turn them to kinds of sugar.

Anyone who's on the ketogenic diet will get the majority of calories from fat, which ought to represent around 55 to 60% of calorie intake. This fat intake provides little space for protein. If protein comprises over 35% of your diet, it's most unlikely you'll go into ketosis.

3.  Consuming excess acceptable carbs

On the ketogenic diet, many kinds of carbohydrate are acceptable like dairy and nuts. Since these foods are generally high fat and nutrient dense foods, they make a fine addition to your keto diet. But they have carbs, too.

And eating too much of such foods will prevent you from reaching and maintaining ketosis.

4.  Eating maltitol

Sugar alcohols are usually a fine option for those following the keto diet.  Although they provide sweetness without boosting net carbs in your body, not all sugar alcohols are the same.

Maltitol happens to be a sugar alcohol that's not keto-friendly. Despite maltitol being a low glycemic index sugar, it yet impacts blood sugar levels. And this effect is sufficient to hinder an individual from experiencing ketosis.

5.  Not counting calories

Anyone who consumes more calories than his body could burn is rather less likely to see weight loss. In fact, people who commonly consume excessive calories might put on weight, though they are already in ketosis.

High fat foods usually contain several additional calories than foods which are high in proteins and carbs. It's thus, vital that you monitor the number of calories which you eat daily.

Following a balanced diet plan could help you work toward achieving your target weight.

6.  Habit of snacking

Although an individual has a great meal plan to initiate, if he can't quit the habit of snacking constantly, this could largely boost the calorie intake. A snack might help stop hunger pangs, but it also could quickly harm the weight loss outcome.

7.  Drinking alcohol

Several alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine are high in carbs. The majority types of ketogenic diet don't permit these kinds of alcohol.

Hard alcohols, like vodka and gin, contain less carbohydrates, which means they are typically acceptable on a ketogenic diet. However, these drinks tend to be quite calorie dense and as such these options could prevent weight loss.

Either reduce or eliminate your intake of alcohol, for it too easily increases calorie intake and provides no nutrients to your body.

8.  Some or no exercise

Exercise is a significant factor in helping you to stay healthy. Also, exercise stimulates your body's metabolism as well as burn calories. Thus, it's a remarkable tool for dieters.

Exercise could play an even more important role while on a keto diet, for the high fat foods which anyone consumes contain several calories. Burning calories via exercise could help you get to your desired weight.

9.  High stress

A lifestyle full of high stress also could prevent anyone from shedding weight on the ketogenic diet. According to a 2012 study, stress could bring about changes in hormone levels, which in turn could result in either problems losing weight or weight gain.

Chronic stress might in addition cause a person to desire comfort foods, which only add more calories to the current diet.

10.  Underlying medical conditions

At times, anyone might be doing everything correctly and yet not succeed in losing weight while on the keto diet. In certain cases, this might be happening because of an underlying condition which is causing weight gain or hindering weight loss. Or a medicine that another person is currently taking to treat the underlying condition might turn out to be causing greater appetite as a negative side effect.

Conditions which could lead to weight gain range from polycystic ovary syndrome, high insulin levels, hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome to depression.

You are advised to see your doctor if unable to experience weight loss while following a strict keto diet and exercise plan. Your doctor might order tests to figure out what is hindering weight loss. By addressing the underlying condition might resolve the issue.

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