Trastuzumab MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Trastuzumab FAQ: Is It Right for You?


What is Trastuzumab?

It's a drug used either alone or with others to treat cancers like stomach and breast cancer.

What's Trastuzumab (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by binding to the surfaces of HER2-overexpressing cancer cells.

Trastuzumab Dosage

Initial dose is 8 mg/kg over 90-minute IV infusion.

Cost / Price of Trastuzumab

A full year's worth of treatment costs around $70,000.

Trastuzumab Generic

It's the generic name for Herceptin.

Trastuzumab Side effects

Side effects may include:

  • fever
  • chills
  • headache
  • infection
  • congestive heart failure
  • insomnia
  • cough
  • rash

Trastuzumab Survival Rate

In a study, together with chemotherapy, 4000 patients saw a 37% relative improvement in overall survival.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Nerlynx MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

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