Is Serious Lack of Amino Acids Causing You to Appear Much Older?

There's no question that nobody wants to look older, especially many years beyond his/her actual age. Thus, you will want to reach the end of this article and learn how amino acids made a massive positive difference in the appearance of an older gentleman.


                               Facts on Amino Acids

  • Amino acids stimulate collagen production and are needed for tightening your skin.
  • Collagen is a protein that contributes largely to the skin's elasticity and firmness.
  • While we age, the skin naturally produces less and less collagen, which in turn leads to your skin sagging and even wrinkling finally.
  • Amino acids increase your skin's normal production of elastin and collagen.
  • A recent study suggests amino acids could slow down the actual process of aging. Results from professor Hayash and his research team now indicate that glycine treatment can improve upon the signs of aging.
  • Constantly consuming amino acids from your daily diet not only impacts your body composition, skin condition but also enhances the skin texture.
  • Amino acids take on a vital role in regulating your aging, producing, as well as maintaining healthy smooth, and younger-looking skin.
  • Amino acids reverse several of the effects of UV, and reduces wrinkles, discoloration, and dehydration.
  • According to, Amino acids assist in reducing wrinkles, strengthening your bones, and even targeting stubborn cellulite.
  • Dr. Julio says that while various amino acids transmit signals to the skin, neuropeptides can relax facial muscles with the effect of reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Leucine aids in decreasing the look of wrinkles and fine lines, and glutamine repairs your skin's barrier function as well as provides moisture.
  • Proline is frequently utilized in anti-wrinkle creams and serums due to its natural ability in diminishing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Comprised of 50 amino acids, peptides can help reduce wrinkles effectively.
  • Your body continuously recycles amino acids, which help decrease the slowly creeping fine lines on your face.
  • Proline, lysine, leucine, and glycine are responsible for collagen synthesis. By working together, they all reduce the depth of wrinkles and fine lines while also enhancing moisture retention for smoothing and softening your skin.
  • Studies emphasize the importance that amino acids have in maintaining healthy hair and firm skin, for they supply vital nutrients that nourish nails, hair, and skin from within your body.
  • Roughly 500 amino acids exist in nature but only 20 actually play a major role in your body.
  • Collagen makes up over 75% of your skin.
  • Fibroblasts produce collagen that are special cells which assist in creating structural framework of both animal and human tissues and helping injury healing.
  • When you are yet young, your skin is wonderfully vibrant and so smooth which is due to collagen in your skin being at very healthy levels.
  • Elastin fibers give your skin the unique ability in recuperating both shape and bounce after getting stretched.
  • Elastin fibers start breaking down over the years with the cumulative effect of exposure to the sun's damaging UV radiation.
  • Specific incidents such as pregnancies might cause your skin to stretch where it can never bounce back, which leads to loose skin or even stretch marks. 
  • Glutamine, a very important amino acid, supports in balancing out the skin's pH and providing the healthy barrier known as acid mantle to defend itself.
  • Glycine and lysine are two amino acids which provide flexibility, elasticity, strength, and firmness to your skin.

All the above statements are strongly supported with 50 separate and independent sources listed below in the reference section.

Amino acids can behave like very powerful anti-aging substances that help restore your skin's functional activity. They got antioxidant properties and you must have them for great health and youthful-looking skin.

Many studies have confirmed that the correct amino acid combination works like a treatment repair from within, emphasizing the importance amino acids have on maintaining healthy hair and firm skin.

Amino acids provide vital nutrients in nourishing nails, hair, and skin--all from within your body. This normal process strengthens connective tissue as well as keeps skin elastic and smooth, the hair strong, and nails firm.

As we are aging, the division of billions of cells slows down from every 28 days to renew only every 30 to 40 days after the age of 40 and up. This reduces significantly the number of new cells that are required for your skin's youthful appearance. Skin expert, Anaya Mukherjee from writes: "Just like your hair, your skin also has a naturally high content of proteins and amino acids. The amino acids present in your skin are responsible for its tightness, hydration and protection from oxidative stress. Deficiency of certain amino acids can lead to dryness, increased inflammation or appearance of lines and wrinkles on your skin."

So, a marked lack of amino acids in your daily diet can in fact accelerate the aging of your skin, and cause you to look 10, 15 or 20 years older! The solution? Consume foods heavily loaded with proteins to get enough essential amino acids. Or, you can take a high quality amino acid supplement like PerfectAmino on a daily basis to ensure that you do get your 8 essential amino acids.

Can PerfectAmino Erase Years of Aging from Your Face?

This article and many research studies done on amino acids and their positive impact on your skin now validate what one existing customer of PerfectAmino has been experiencing.

John shares: "I have been taking PerfectAmino for six months. As a starting point I will say that I am amazed that at age 75 my body can actually rebuild itself. PerfectAmino has provided the necessary raw materials to make remarkable changes in a half a year. My wife tells me that my hair is growing in darker. I observe that the lines and wrinkles on my face are largely gone."

That's the powerful effect of essential amino acids working together beautifully.


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