Nerlynx MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Nerlynx FAQ: Is It Right for You?

Unlabelled Image

What is Nerlynx?

It's a prescription drug used to treat certain cancers.

What's Nerlynx (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by binding to and inhibiting EGFR, HER2, and HER4.

Nerlynx Dosage

Recommended dose is 240 mg administered orally once daily with food consistently up to a year.

Cost / Price of Nerlynx

A supply of 133 40-mg capsules costs about $15,004.

Nerlynx Generic

Its generic name is neratinib.

Nerlynx Side Effects

Side effects may include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • mouth sores/pain
  • stomach pain
  • loss of appetite
  • weight loss
  • exhaustion
  • dry skin
  • nail changes
  • muscle spasms

Nerlynx Survival Rate

Patients lived up to 5 years at 90.4%.

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Bevacizumab MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Bevacizumab FAQ: Is It Right for You?


What is Bevacizumab?

It's a drug used to treat varying forms of cancer.

What's Bevacizumab (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by binding to VEGF-A and preventing its interaction with its receptors on endothelial cells.

Bevacizumab Dosage

Recommended dose is 5 to 10 mg/kg of body weight administered intravenously once biweekly.

Cost / Price of Bevacizumab

10 mg cost about $66.60.

Bevacizumab Generic

It's the generic name for Avastin.

Bevacizumab Side Effects

Side effects include:

  • black, tarry stools
  • body pain
  • burning, numbness, tingling, or aches in hands, arms, feet, or legs
  • chest pain, discomfort, or tightness
  • cloudy urine
  • cracked skin
  • reduced urine output
  • troubled or labored breathing
  • nausea
  • poor appetite
  • constipation
  • infection
  • diarrhea
  • mouth sores

Bevacizumab Survival Rate

Patients lived up to 9.2 months at 43%.

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Trastuzumab MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Trastuzumab FAQ: Is It Right for You?


What is Trastuzumab?

It's a drug used either alone or with others to treat cancers like stomach and breast cancer.

What's Trastuzumab (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by binding to the surfaces of HER2-overexpressing cancer cells.

Trastuzumab Dosage

Initial dose is 8 mg/kg over 90-minute IV infusion.

Cost / Price of Trastuzumab

A full year's worth of treatment costs around $70,000.

Trastuzumab Generic

It's the generic name for Herceptin.

Trastuzumab Side effects

Side effects may include:

  • fever
  • chills
  • headache
  • infection
  • congestive heart failure
  • insomnia
  • cough
  • rash

Trastuzumab Survival Rate

In a study, together with chemotherapy, 4000 patients saw a 37% relative improvement in overall survival.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Sunitinib MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

Sunitinib FAQ: Is It Right for You?


What is Sunitinib?

It's a prescription drug used to treat only certain kinds of cancer.

What's Sunitinib (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It inhibits cellular signaling by targeting multiple receptor tyrosine kinases.

Sunitinib Dosage

Doses vary for different cancers.

Cost / Price of Sunitinib

A supply of 28 12.5-mg capsules costs about $6,296.

Sunitinib Generic

It's the generic name for Sutent.

Sunitinib Side Effects

Side effects may include:

  • low blood counts
  • hypertension
  • taste changes
  • heartburn
  • vomiting
  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • fatigue
  • skin discoloration 

Sunitinib Survival Rate

Patients lived up to 24.1 weeks after treatment.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Crizotinib MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Crizotinib FAQ: Is It Right for You?

Crizonix Crizotinib 250 MG

What is Crizotinib?

It's a drug used to treat cancer such as lung cancer.

What's Crizotinib (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by blocking cell signaling via tyrosine kinases ALK.

Crizotinib Dosage

Recommended dose is 250 mg twice daily.

Cost / Price of Crizotinib

4 years' worth of treatment cost a total of $89,740.

Crizotinib Generic

It's the generic name for Xalkori.

Crizotinib Side Effects

Side effects may include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • reduced appetite
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • odd liver function tests
  • swelling in your hands, feet, or eyes
  • numbness or tingling in hands or feet
  • muscle weakness
  • trouble walking
  • cold symptoms
  • stomach pain
  • mouth sores
  • heartburn
  • headache

Crizotinib Survival Rate

The survival rate at 48 months was 51%.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Sutent MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

Sutent FAQ: Is It Right for You?

Sutent What is Sutent?

It's a prescription drug used to treat only certain kinds of cancer like kidney.

What's Sutent (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by powerfully inhibiting the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor.

Sutent Dosage

The recommended dose varies for different cancers. For example, for RCC it's 50 mg taken orally once daily for 4 weeks at least.

Cost / Price of Sutent

A supply of 28 50-mg capsules costs $2,903.33.

Sutent Generic

Its generic name is sunitinib.

Sutent Side Effects

Potential side effects include:

  • skin discoloration
  • exhaustion
  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • heartburn
  • taste changes
  • hypertension
  • low blood counts

Sutent Survival Rate

Patients lived up to 24.1 weeks after treatment.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Feel Tired? Showing These 10 Amino Acid Deficiency Symptoms?

Amino Acids

Reference standards of amino acids, peptides, and proteins for proteomic workflows and food testing

Amino Acids at a Glance

Amino acids are molecules which come together to create proteins, which, when digested or broken down, amino acids remain behind. The body uses amino acids to produce proteins to support the body in breaking down food.

No longer your old self? Certain symptoms--skin changes, muscle loss, weakened immunity, unflagging fatigue--can be revealing indicators of rapid aging. They are definite clues which give you insights into your current health as you grow older. Your body might be communicating that you are lacking enough amounts of essential amino acids on a daily basis. These organic compounds constitute the building blocks of protein and play a major role in all your body's cellular processes.

Feel Tired? Showing These 10 Amino Acids Deficiency Symptoms?

The following signs will tell you whether or not you have an amino acid deficiency.

Exhaustion. We all experience those days when our energy falls short. However, if this "condition" persists inexplicably for several days or even weeks, you might not be getting all the amino acids from your food that your body needs for energy. A lack of protein may also cause eventual anemia--your cells being starved of oxygen, which in turn leads to tiredness.

Weakened Immunity. Do you find yourself catching other people's cold viruses too easily, or recovering from the flu painfully slowly? If yes, you may not be getting adequate amino acids. Amino acids in one's blood help the immune system in producing antibodies which activate white blood cells to combat bacteria, viruses, and toxins. 

PubMed reports: "A deficiency of dietary protein or amino acids has long been known to impair immune function and increase the susceptibility of animals and humans to infectious disease." 

Moreover, WebMD says: "Protein is vital to build and repair body tissue and fight viral and bacterial infections. Immune system powerhouses such as antibodies and immune system cells rely on protein. Too little protein in the diet may lead to poor immunity."

Digestive Problems. Do you have issues related to proper food digestion? Everyone needs protein in order to digest and then absorb vital nutrients which keep you healthy.

Weakness. Are you unable to run quickly or even lift heavier weights that you did usually? If yes, you may want to evaluate your daily intake of amino acids, in general. Men's Journal reports that insufficient protein intake could lead to weakening muscles. In addition, research reveals that only one week of consuming a meager amount of protein could affect adversely the muscles that are responsible for posture and movement, and especially if you are 55 or older.

Swelling. Do you have swelling in your hands, feet, or any other part of your body? This is a very common symptom of not getting enough protein from your daily diet.

Slow Healing Injuries. Have you noticed that injuries take unusually longer to heal? Everyone who's low on protein frequently experience that their scrapes and cuts take more time to heal. The same may seem true in respect to sprains and most exercise-related accidents.

Mood Changes. Do you feel depressed or even too aggressive without a good, justified reason? Since your brain must use chemicals, neurotransmitters, to relay information between cells, which are produced from amino acids, a notable lack of protein in your daily diet can mean that your body is unable to make sufficient amount of those neurotransmitters; that deficiency can alter significantly how your brain is functioning. Thus, having low levels of both serotonin and dopamine, you might feel either particularly aggressive or depressed.

Muscle Loss. Do you suspect that you are losing muscle mass gradually? now reports that, because of a significant lack of energy by amino acids, your body might have already begun the process of breaking muscle tissue to provide itself with much needed "fuel" during a vigorous workout. Science is also suggesting that prolonged supplementation with amino acids can aid you in preventing and treating age-related muscle loss. 

WARNING: your body will continue breaking muscle tissue until it begins getting adequate amino acids.

Hunger. Are you constantly craving sweets and can't resist carbs? According to Psychology Today, your brain may not be receiving the essential amino acids it requires to make you feel fully satisfied. Neurotransmitters, which contribute towards curbing your appetite, are produced from amino acids.

Unsound Sleep. Are you suffering from a continuous case of unexplained insomnia? Studies are discovering that extended periods of amino acid deficiency can lead to troubled sleep. If you have doubts, just try this simple test: take essential amino acids for only one week and see if your sleep improves markedly.

Are you experiencing one, two, three, or more of the above symptoms? You don't have to. Remember, your body cannot manufacture essential amino acids, and thus you must get them through your food. It's highly recommended to consume a broad variety of protein sources each day. But you will have to eat a ton of the right foods to get those essential amino acids.

If you want to get these 8 essential amino acids each and every day so all those symptoms will vanish completely, consider taking a high-quality amino acid supplement like PerfectAmino, which is plant-based and suitable for both vegans and vegetarians.

 Is PerfectAmino the Fountain of Youth?

Imagine, after a 75-year-old gentleman had taken PerfectAmino for 6 months, he was amazed that at his age his body was rebuilding itself; his wife began to see his hair growing darker, and he himself was noticing his wrinkles on his face actually disappearing? That's the powerful effect of essential amino acids working together beautifully.

PerfectAmino Reviews

  • David Winarchik shares: "I can say without hesitation that this product is incredible! I am 60+ years of age, and within a day of taking it, I felt as if I were 40 again."
  • J. Valkonen shares: "PerfectAmino provides the essential amino acids that your body cannot make but are necessary for optimal physiologic functions. I heal faster from injuries. I recover faster from training. And I sleep better."
  • Barbie shares: "This is one of the most potent and effective supplements I have ever taken and I have taken a ton of supplements. I can tell a difference within 20 minutes of taking the tablets. And the tablets are easy to take. I hope I can afford to keep taking this supplement for a long, long time."
  • Byron W. shares: This is a good product, is highly absorbable essential aminos. They are a good source of essential aminos, especially for older people and people with absorption problems."
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Lenvatinib MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Lenvatinib FAQ: Is It Right for You?

Aprazer Anti Cancer Medicines LENVAKAST- Lenvatinib 10 mg Capsules, Standard, Prescription

What is Lenvatinib?

It's a drug that treats a number of cancer types.

What's Lenvatinib (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by blocking the action of abnormal protein which signals cancer cells to grow.

Lenvatinib Dosage

Recommended dose is 24 mg until cancer improves or treatment grows too toxic.

Cost / Price of Lenvatinib

A supply of 60 capsules at 14 mg costs about $22,040.

Lenvatinib Generic

It's the generic name for Lenvima.

Lenvatinib Side Effects

You can expect the following side effects:

  • high blood pressure
  • diarrhea
  • fatigue
  • join/muscle pain
  • reduced appetite
  • weight loss
  • nausea
  • mouth sores
  • lasting nosebleeds
  • red or black stools
  • itching
  • rash
  • hair loss
  • constipation
  • dry mouth

Lenvatinib Survival Rate

Patients saw a 61.1% survival rate at 6 months.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Votrient MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side effects, Survival Rate

 Votrient FAQ: Is It Right for You?

Buy Votrient 400 mg (Pazopanib) at an affordable cost. It's used to treat advanced renal cell cancer and advanced soft tissue sarcoma. Votrient® is produced by Novartis AG®, and sourced from authorized distributors in countries where drug costs are low.

What is Votrient?

The drug is used to treat certain forms of cancer like kidney.

What's Votrient (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by blocking proteins located on the surface of cancer cells.

Votrient Dosage

The recommended dose to treat RCC and STS is 800 mg once daily.

Cost / Price of Votrient

A supply of 120 tablets at 200 mg costs about $16,181.

Votrient Generic

Its generic name is pazopanib.

Votrient Side Effects

Potential side effects include:

  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • headache
  • loss of appetite
  • weight loss
  • taste change
  • numbness/tingling/redness in hands or feet
  • tiredness or weakness
  • seizure
  • uncommon bleeding or bruising

Votrient Survival Rate

Patients saw a 54% survival rate at 9.2 months.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Everolimus MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side effects, Survival Rate

 Everolimus FAQ: Is It Right for You?

Everolimus Tablets USP 10mg

What is Everolimus?

It's a drug used to treat certain forms of cancer.

What's Everolimus (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by blocking the growth of cancer cells.

Everolimus Dosage

Recommended dose is 10 mg orally daily until cancer improves or the treatment becomes too toxic.

Cost / Price of Everolimus

A supply of 28 tablets at 2.5 mg costs about $13,779.

Everolimus Generic

It's the generic name for Afinitor.

Everolimus Side Effects

Potential side effects include:

  • bloating
  • swelling of arms, hands, lower legs, feet, or the face
  • bloody nose
  • chest pain or tightness
  • weight loss
  • troubled or labored breathing
  • difficulty with swallowing
  • general discomfort
  • hoarseness
  • cough
  • diarrhea
  • fatigue
  • rash
  • itching
  • dry skin
  • sore mouth
  • greater risk of infection
  • breathlessness

Everolimus Survival Rate

17.1 months is the survival time frame.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Cabometyx MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Cabometyx FAQ: Is It Right for You?


What is Cabometyx?

It's a drug used to treat certain forms of liver, thyroid, and advanced kidney cancers.

What's Cabometyx (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by blocking the action of an abnormal protein which signals cancer cells to grow.

Cabometyx Dosage

Recommended dose is 60 mg once a day without food until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

Cost / Price of Cabometyx 

A supply of 30 tablets at 20 mg each costs about $24,531.

Cabometyx Generic

There is currently no equivalent version of Cabometyx.

Cabometyx Side Effects

Potential side effects include:

  • dizziness
  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • mouth sores
  • constipation
  • stomach ache
  • tiredness
  • weakness
  • weight loss
  • reduced appetite
  • taste changes
  • hoarseness
  • lightening of hair color

Cabometyx Survival Rate

50% of patients saw progression-free survival for at least 5.2 months.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Axitinib MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side effects, Survival Rate

 Axitinib FAQ: Is It Right for You?

What is Axitinib?

It belongs to a class of drugs that treats kidney cancer.

What's Axitinib (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by blocking angiogenesis, tumor growth and metastases.

Axitinib Dosage

Recommended dose is 5 mg orally twice daily with or without food together with pembrolizumab.

Cost / Price of Axitinib

A supply of 180 tablets costs about $18,567.

Axitinib Generic

It's the generic name for Inlyta.

Axitinib Side Effects

Potential side effects include:

  • vomiting
  • loss of appetite
  • dizziness
  • fatigue
  • weight loss
  • temporary hair loss
  • cough
  • headache
  • altered sense of taste
  • hoarseness
  • constipation
  • upset stomach
  • diarrhea
  • cracked lips
  • joint pain
  • high blood pressure
  • belching

Axitinib Survival Rate

Some cancer patients saw a 5-year survival rate of 20.6%.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Cyclophosphamide MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Cyclophosphamide FAQ: Is It Right for You?
Cyclophosphamide 500mg, Non prescription, Treatment: Anti-cancer
What is Cyclophosphamide?

It's a drug used to treat several forms of cancer.

What's Cyclophosphamide (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

Typically, it works by damaging either the RNA or DNA of cancer cells, then slowing or stopping the spread of cancer.

Cyclophosphamide Dosage

The dose is based on the patient's body weight. So, your doctor will have to determine your particular dose.

Cost / Price of Cyclophosphamide 

The cost begins at $113.10.

Cyclophosphamide Generic

It's the generic name for Cytoxan.

Cyclophosphamide Side Effects

Potential side effects include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • loss of weight or appetite
  • stomach pain
  • diarrhea
  • hair loss
  • sores on the tongue or mouth
  • changes in skin color
  • bloody urine
  • dizziness
  • rapid heartbeat
  • confusion or agitation
  • joint pain
  • nosebleeds or bleeding gums
  • bruising
  • shortness of breath
  • higher danger of infection
  • bladder problems
  • infertility

Cyclophosphamide Survival Rate

Overall objective response was 43%.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Cetuximab MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Cetuximab FAQ: Is It Right for You?

1000 Mg Merck Sereno Erbitux 100MG Injection, 5 mL

What is Cetuximab?

It's an injection used to treat cancers such as of the colon, rectum, head, and neck.

What's Cetuximab (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by blocking the function of a protein called epidermal growth factor, which stops the cell from continuing the pathway which promotes cell division and growth; this stops cancer cells from growing and multiplying.

Cetuximab Dosage

Its recommended dose is 400 mg/m2 by infusion, then 250 m/m2 weekly.

Cost / Price of Cetuximab

It costs about $762 for a supply of 50 milliliters.

Cetuximab Generic

It's the generic name for Erbitux.

Cetuximab Side Effects

Common side effects include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • headache
  • stomach pain
  • backache
  • fever or chills
  • trouble sleeping
  • weight loss
  • fatigue
  • drowsiness
  • eye redness/itching
  • nail changes
  • dry skin
  • mouth/throat sores

Cetuximab Survival Rate

In a study, the cetuximab group saw 50% at 6.1 months and 21% at 12 months.

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Ipilimumab MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Ipilimumab FAQ: Is It Right for You?

ImmunoPulse IL-12 and Keytruda Combo Therapy to be Tested in Phase 2 Trial

What is Ipilimumab?

It's a drug used to treat several different kinds of cancer.

What's Ipilimumab (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by switching on your immune response and permitting T cells to start the attack on melanoma.

Ipilimumab Dosage

Doses of this drug is based on the patient's body weight. So, your doctor will have to determine your particular dose.

Cost / Price of Ipilimumab

A course of therapy costs $120,000.

Ipilimumab Generic

It's the generic name for Yervoy, the trade drug name.

Ipilimumab Side Effects

Potential side effects include:

  • tiredness
  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • itching
  • rash
  • vomiting
  • headache
  • weight loss
  • fever
  • reduced appetite
  • difficulty falling or staying asleep

Ipilimumab Survival Rate

Patients saw at 4 years a 37.7% survival rate.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Pembrolizumab MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Pembrolizumab FAQ: Is It Right for You?

What is Pembrolizumab?

It's a prescription drug used to treat a type of skin cancer known as melanoma.

What's Pembrolizumab (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by boosting your body's immunity and enhancing its ability to fight melanoma-causing cells.

Pembrolizumab Dosage

Recommended doses for adults are 200 mg every 3 weeks and 400 mg every 6 weeks given as an intravenous infusion over 30 minutes.

Cost / Price of Pembrolizumab

A single 100 mg vial of pembrolizumab costs $4381.

Pembrolizumab Generic

It's the generic name for Keytruda, the trade drug name.

Pembrolizumab Side Effects

Common side effects include:

  • fatigue
  • anemia
  • high blood sugar
  • hyponatremia
  • diarrhea
  • hypoalbuminemia
  • nausea
  • cough
  • itching
  • rash
  • fever
  • reduced appetite
  • increased liver enzyme
  • constipation
  • muscle pain

Pembrolizumab Survival Rate

The 5-year overall survival rate is 23.2%.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Cabozantinib MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Cabozantinib FAQ: Is It Right for You?


What is Cabozantinib?

It's a drug used to treat different types of cancer like kidney, liver, and thyroid cancer.

What's Cabozantinib (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by blocking the action of an abnormal protein which signals cancer cells to grow.

Cabozantinib Dosage

Recommended dose is at 60 mg daily without food as a single agent.

Cost / Price of Cabozantinib

Without health insurance, the cost is about $24,531 for a supply of 30 tablets at 20 mg each.

Cabozantinib Generic

It's the generic name for Cometriq, the trade drug name.

Cabozantinib Side Effects

Potential side effects include:

  • constipation
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • difficulty swallowing
  • hemorrhoids
  • loss of appetite
  • redness, swelling, sores, or pain in throat or mouth
  • diarrhea
  • low calcium
  • stomach pain
  • indigestion
  • exhaustion
  • weakness

Cabozantinib Survival Rate

The overall survival rate at 12 months was 85.7%.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Nivolumab MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Nivolumab FAQ: Is It Right for You?

The packaging and vial of Opdivo nivolumab

What is Nivolumab?

It's a prescription drug used to treat cancer of the lining of the urinary tract.

What's Nivolumab (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by preventing cancer cells from disguising themselves and permitting your T cells to become active and attack cancer cells once again.

Nivolumab Dosage

Dose varies from 2.5 mg to 10 mg daily orally or 20 to 300 mg daily orally divided every 6 to 8 hours.

Cost / Price of Nivolumab

Without health insurance, the cost for the Nivolumab-ipilimumab combo treatment is about $377,400.

Nivolumab Generic

It's the generic name for Opdivo, the trade drug name.

Nivolumab Side Effects

Common side effects include:

  • increased AST
  • low blood sodium level
  • increased alkaline phosphatase
  • rash
  • terrible itching
  • cough
  • upper respiratory tract infection
  • high blood potassium levels
  • fatigue
  • low white blood cell count
  • shortness of breath
  • musculoskeletal pain
  • reduced appetite

Nivolumab Survival Rate

When treated with nivolumab and ipilimumab, patients saw a median survival of 72.1 months.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Yervoy MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side effects, Survival Rate

 Yervoy FAQ: Is It Right for You?

Pill none is Yervoy 50 mg/10 mL injection

What is Yervoy?

It's a prescription drug used to treat skin cancer symptoms, Renal cell carcinoma, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, and non-small cell lung cancer.

What's Yervoy (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by helping to turn on the immune response, which allows T cells to start attacking cancer cells.

Yervoy Dosage

The recommended dose is 3 mg/kg given intravenously over 90 minutes each 3 weeks for no more than 4 doses.

Cost / Price of Yervoy

Without health insurance, it costs about $8,310 for a supply of 10 milliliters.

Yervoy Generic

Its generic name is ipilimumab.

Yervoy Side Effects

Most common side effects include:

  • exhaustion
  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • itching
  • rash
  • vomiting
  • headache
  • weight loss
  • fever
  • reduced appetite
  • falling or staying asleep difficulty

Yervoy Survival Rate

Together Yervoy and Opdivo resulted in a 75% survival rate at 18 months.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Idarubicin MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Idarubicin FAQ: Is It Right for You?

Idarubicin Hydrochloride Injection - 1 mg/mL, 10 mg

What is Idarubicin?

It's a chemotherapy medication used to treat certain cancers like AML and ALL.

What's Idarubicin (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by inducing DNA strand breaks in leukemic cells, damaging them.

Idarubicin Dosage

As a single agent, the recommended dose is 12 mg/m2 intravenously daily for 3 days.

Cost / Price of Idarubicin

The cost is about $40 for a supply of 5 milliliters.

Idarubicin Generic

It's the generic name for the trade name drug, Idamycin PFS.

Idarubicin Side Effects

Potential side effects include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • sores in the mouth and throat
  • stomach pain
  • headache
  • joint pain
  • hair loss
  • fever
  • nail thickening
  • skin discoloration
  • cracked lips

Idarubicin Survival Rate

Complete remission rate for all patients was 63.4%.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Epirubicin MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Epirubicin FAQ: Is It Right for You?

Epirubicin AqVida 2 mg/ml solution for injection

What is Epirubicin?

It's a chemotherapy drug used to treat several kinds of cancer.

What's Epirubicin (MOA) Mechanism of Action?

It works by first damaging the DNA in cancer cells, and then causing them to die.

Epirubicin Dosage

Recommended dose is 100 to 120 mg/m2 given intravenously over 15 to 20 minutes.

Cost / Price of Epirubicin

It costs about $59 for a supply of 25 milliliters.

Epirubicin Generic

It's the generic name for the trade name drug, Ellence.

Epirubicin Side Effects

  • black, tarry stools
  • chest pain
  • bleeding, redness, or ulcers in throat or mouth
  • cough or hoarseness
  • fever or chills
  • pain or burning in throat or mouth
  • sores, ulcers, or white spots in the mouth or on the lips
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • stomach ache
  • diarrhea
  • loss of appetite or weight
  • uncommon exhaustion or weakness
  • hair loss

Epirubicin Survival Rate

After 45 separate doses, the median progression-free survival was 9 months.

Do You Prefer a Treatment or a Cure for Cancer?

Doxorubicin MOA, Dosage, Cost, Generic, Side Effects, Survival Rate

 Doxorubicin FAQ: Is It Right for You?

Doxorubicin 20mg/10mL Lipo Inj

What is Doxorubicin?
It's a chemotherapy drug used to treat cancer.

What's Doxorubicin (MOA) Mechanism of Action?
It works by first blocking the enzyme topo isomerase 2 before slowing or stopping the growth of cancer.

Doxorubicin Dosage
35 to 7mg/m2 intravenously each 21 days; or 20 to 30 mg/m2 dose once a week

Cost / Price of Doxorubicin
The cost is about $16 for a supply of 5 milliliters of Doxorubicin.

Doxorubicin Generic
Its the generic name for the trade name drug, Adriamycin.

Doxorubicin Side Effects
Potential side effects include:
  • cough
  • darkening of skin
  • rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • fever or chills
  • joint pain
  • side or lower back pain followed by chills or fever
  • pain at the injection area
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • sores in the mouth or throat
  • loss of appetite
  • stomach pain
  • diarrhea
  • increased thirst

Doxorubicin Survival Rate

The 5-year survival rate is estimated to be 50%.

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