Do Fenugreek Seeds Provide Weight Loss Benefits?

Fenugreek Seeds for Weight Loss?

First, what is Fenugreek? Fenugreek is just a herb which is readily found in places like western Asia, southern Europe, and the Mediterranean region. The seeds are often utilized in food preparation, for medical uses, or to conceal the awful taste of certain medications. Fenugreek seeds' smell and taste resemble that of maple syrup. In India, their leaves are consumed as a vegetable.

Fenugreek can be taken directly via mouth to address digestive issues like appetite reduction, troubled stomach, all the way to constipation. In addition, some people eat Fenugreek for diabetes, obesity, and even aching menstruation. It's also used to treat issues such as high blood levels and hardening of the arteries.

Because of fenugreek's fiber content, it does all the following:

  • helps improve digestion
  • prevents constipation
  • curbs your appetite through a feeling of fullness
  • lowers cholesterol levels
  • regulates blood sugar.

In a small study nine overweight women were tracked how they ate a lunch buffet after having fenugreek tea, and the researchers saw that the tea did reduce their appetite, but failed to make a significant difference on how much they consumed at the buffet. So, it's your call whether you use fenugreek seeds for general weight loss. If you're open to other safe and natural alternatives, consider the one below.

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