Are Chia Seeds Effective for Weight Loss?

Chia Seeds for Weight Loss

Chia Seeds in a spoon

Chia seeds happen to be loaded in fiber, having about 9.75 grams per one ounce serving. In addition, they have 4.69 grams of protein in each serving. Combined, the fiber and protein could work together in temporarily suppressing your appetite through making you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Also, every serving of chia seeds has just 138 calories, making them an ideal low calorie and nutritionally dense snack. So, are chia seeds for weight loss? In addition, chia seeds are a superb source of omega 3 fatty acids.

Some diligent scientists have just lately started looking into the real potential weight losing benefits of chia seeds. Although studies have demonstrated promising outcomes, the data are quite far from being completely final and conclusive. 

A modest research study compared weight loss in participants who ate 35 grams of chia flour daily with those individuals who consumed only a placebo. A total of twenty-six subjects participated in this study.

As a result, scientists found no defining difference in either group after a twelve-week period. But the researchers did see notable weight loss among the subjects in the chia group. The ones who had obesity at the beginning of the research study actually lost additional weight than the subjects who were less overweight at the start.

Also, the participants in the chia group who were having abnormally higher cholesterol levels at the beginning of the study demonstrated a significant improvement at the end. Obviously, the Chia flour helped reduce cholesterol and boost high density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Another study examined whether chia seeds enhance weight loss in individuals with type 2 diabetes. This research study included 77 subjects who were obese or overweight.

Everyone went on a limited calorie diet for a six-month period. While one group consumed Salba chia each day, the other group consumed only an oat bran-based food as the placebo.  

The subjects who ate no chia saw a loss of 0.3 kilograms, or 0.66 pounds on average. But those who did consume chia saw a loss of 4.19 pounds; the chia group in addition showed a noticeable average reduction in their waist circumference as compared to the control group.

Gathering all the above findings, they indicate that chia seeds are rather unlikely to help bring about major weight loss alone. Although they might promote weight loss in those individuals who consume a low-calorie diet, the proof for this claim fails to be conclusive.

Conclusion: there's a need for far more expansive and better designed research studies for testing the effects of chia seeds on appetite suppression and weight loss.

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