How to Suppress Your Appetite with 28 Killer Tips

 How to Suppress Appetite

How to suppress appetite can be learned with a little practice and an ounce of common sense.

If you are serious about losing weight, you can apply the 28 killer tips below to assist you in achieving this end by first combating those unstoppable food & sugar cravings that do so much harm in destroying all hopes of attaining your weight loss goal. 

How to Suppress Your Appetite with 28 Killer Tips

1.  Consume far more protein and healthier fats, for this will reduce hunger cravings and kill appetite more effectively. 

2.  Drink mostly water prior to each major meal, for this will fill you up and make you feel fuller, and consequently you will end up eating less. 

3.  Eat high-fiber foods as often as possible, including beginning with a soup which can work in quenching your appetite. 

4.  Exercise every time before your next meal, for you will not only burn calories from your previous meal but also speed up your metabolism to burn calories of your upcoming meal. 

5.  Take carralluma fimbriata as a supplement, for it curbs hunger and boosts endurance. 

6.  Increase your daily intake of daily protein such as 70 grams of protein in a shake or replacement meal. 

7.  Start the day with a high-protein breakfast that includes eggs. Raw eggs would be far more nourishing. 

8.  Sleep an adequate number of hours each night so you will wake up less liable to get stressed out during the day and avoid over-eating because of stress. 

9.  Adopt any type of exercise that you really enjoy doing and stick to it, whether it's cycling one hour a day, rollerblading, or walking twenty minutes to the store and back. Exercise will help your body burn additional calories. 

10.  Overcome psychological cravings by keeping only healthy snacks stored in your vehicle and home to fulfill your health objectives. 

11.  Try to practice portion control by simply putting recommended portions and making it a point not to go for a second and third helping. Save leftovers for the next meal. 

12.  Become aware of current stress levels which may boost levels of cortisol in the body, for this is the stress hormone that increases one's desire to snack and causes you to want fatty, salty, and sugary foods. 

13.  Switch to solid foods for research now found solid foods reduced hunger markedly compared to liquid and thin foods. 

14.  Eat slower which may decrease your tendency to "pig out." One study showed that persons who consumed quicker took larger bites and ended up eating overall more calories. 

15.  Find out which dinnerware is the best for you. Just reducing your dinnerware size alone may help you reduce meal portions and eat less. You may eat more if you got more food on a bigger plate. 

16.  Eat a little ginger, for recent research shows ginger can help curb hunger. But more studies are needed to make stronger conclusions. 

17.  Choose filling up with snacks. In order to promote satiety and fullness, select snacks that contain protein, complex carbs, fiber, and healthy fats. 

18.  Do not deprive yourself, for if you do so, you may over-eat and defeat the whole purpose. It's unnecessary to cut favorite foods utterly out of your diet. 

19.  Consume apples daily, for they are highly effective for suppressing appetite. Apples contain high water content, soluble fiber, and pectin. 

20.  Drink apple cider vinegar to curb your hunger. It's not certain whether it's the bold taste, or the strong smell, but several people claim it works for them. 

21.  End each meal with mint. Chew on mint gum. Mint flavors can send signals to the brain telling it that it's now time to quit eating. 

22.  Do push-ups each morning. After getting up, get down on the floor and begin this simple exercise. Make it a point to add to the number of pushups you do each morning, if it's only one more. They add up quickly. 

23.  Try fasting half the day like from sunrise to sunset without drinking or eating anything. This deprivation of food will force your body to readjust to the new "routine" and help curb your hunger significantly. But don't cheat! 

24.  Use hot sauce. Adding hot sauce to your food will definitely slow down the pace you eat your meals. Studies suggest the compounds in chilies may speed up the metabolism. 

25.  Adopt yoga. As yoga lowers naturally your stress, your cortisol levels will drop. This translates to your body storing fewer calories. 

26.  Sprinkle cinnamon and vinegar on meals. Both slows the rate at which your food is transitted from the tummy to the intestine, which will keep you fuller longer and prevent postmeal slump. 

27.  Eat even when you are not hungry. If you allow yourself to get too hungry, you run the high risk of over-eating. But if you eat when you feel not very hungry or just a little hungry, you will eat less and will eat more slowly. 

28.  Enjoy a modest flavorless snack between meals. The late Seth Robers discovered this trick. He consumed a glass of water or olive oil with a pinch of sugar between meals. This works because it obviously regulates ghrelin, which is a hunger hormone, performing the feat by reducing flavor calorie associations. The snack of choice should be bland without eating anything more except water for one hour prior to and after the snack.

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