How to Use Sabja Seeds for Weight Loss

Can Sabja Seeds Help with Weight Loss?

Sabja seeds have recently grown popular as a new superfood. They do not just contain notable nutrients but also assist you in losing weight in an efficient fashion. From the several seeds available such as pumpkin seeds, chia seeds to flax seeds, sabja seeds have earned a fair reputation for being a weight loss compatible food for assisting one in losing those unwanted extra pounds.

Also known by other names such as sweet basil seeds, tulsi seeds, and tukmaria, these seeds can help you decrease body heat, regulate blood sugar levels, give bloating and constipation relief, and even treat both heartburn and acidity. In addition, sabja seeds are great for one's hair and skin.

Sabja seeds are comprised of 5gm of carbs, 2gm of fiber, and 11gm of proteins, making them ideal for weight loss.

Three tips for weight loss

1. Prior to meals eat soaked sabja seeds, for they work very effectively in curbing your appetite.

2. Soak 1 teaspoon of sabja seeds in 1 cup filled with warm water for 15 to 20 minutes.

3. You can always add sabja seeds daily to lemonade, yoghurt, milkshakes, oatmeal, puddings, and breads for weight loss.

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